Wednesday 24 April 2013

Long Walk to the Temple

Up early again for games before breakfast, this time lots of skipping.  By now, many of us are making good friends as you can see in this picture.

Then, off we all went for a five kilometre walk through woodland and fields to another attractive castle that has been converted into a Hindu temple and place of learning.

Inside the temple, we were shown round by an English guide and learnt lots about this interesting religion.  We even sang the Hare Krishna song in the temple.

Fortunately , it was a bus that brought us back to our accommodation, where beef and chips were waiting.

Hi Y6 W and thanks for your message.  The food has been great and no, the zip wire in Colomendy was better.  But it was still good.  The girls have done better at making friends such as Cristal and Louisa.  Have a look at the photos.

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